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The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development has revised the "Administrative Measures for the License of Urban Sewage Discharge into Drainage Networks", which will come into effect on February 1, 2023

版权所有:Established in 1982, TongDa Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. 更新时间:2024-04-11 17:45:07

  The website of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development has issued the Decision on Amending the Management Measures for the License of Urban Sewage Discharge into Drainage Pipeline Networks, which modifies the Management Measures for the License of Urban Sewage Discharge into Drainage Pipeline Networks (Order No. 21 of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development) and further clarifies the hierarchical classification management, optimization of approval services, supervision and management, and legal responsibilities of drainage households. It will be implemented from February 1, 2023.
  The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development has decided to make the following modifications to the “Administrative Measures for the License of Urban Sewage Discharge into Drainage Networks” (Order No. 21 of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development):
  1、 Amend the term “housing and urban-rural development supervisory department” in Article 3 to “housing and urban-rural development supervisory department”。 The remaining terms shall be modified accordingly.
  2、 Article 4: Add a new paragraph as the third paragraph: “Engineering construction drainage should prioritize the use and replenishment of water bodies.”
  3、 Amend Article 5 to read: “Urban drainage authorities shall adopt local conditions and classify and manage drainage households according to the degree to which drainage behavior affects the safe operation of urban drainage and sewage treatment facilities.”。
  “Drainage households included in the list of key polluting units and those determined by urban drainage authorities to have a significant impact on the safe operation of urban drainage and sewage treatment facilities should be managed as key drainage households. ”
  4、 Amend Article 6 to read: “Drainage households shall apply for a drainage permit from the urban drainage authority in the place where the drainage behavior occurs.”。 The urban drainage authority shall make a decision within 15 days from the date of accepting the application.
  If there are multiple drainage households in a centrally managed building or unit, the property rights unit or its entrusted property service personnel can apply for and obtain a drainage permit, and the issuing unit shall be responsible for the drainage behavior of the drainage households.
  If sewage needs to be discharged into urban drainage facilities due to construction operations, the construction unit shall apply for and obtain a drainage permit. “
  5、 Amend the second to fifth items of Article 7 to ”(2) drawings and instructions for the location and diameter of the internal drainage network, dedicated testing wells, and rainwater and sewage discharge outlets of the drainage households;“;
  (3) Materials related to the construction of sewage pretreatment facilities in accordance with relevant national regulations;
  (4) The completion report of the concealed drainage project, or a written commitment from the drainage user that the concealed drainage project is qualified and there is no mixing or wrong connection of the rainwater and sewage pipe network, or mixed discharge of rainwater and sewage;
  (5) A testing report stating that the drainage water quality meets relevant standards or a written commitment letter stating that the drainage water quality meets relevant standards. ”
  Delete the seventh item.
  6、 Add one article as Article 8: “Before making a licensing decision, the urban drainage authority shall conduct on-site inspections of key drainage households in accordance with the requirements of graded and classified management of drainage households, and conduct spot checks on other drainage households.”。 “
  7、 Change Article 8 to Article 9, and the second item of the first paragraph to ”(2) The water quality of the discharged sewage meets the relevant national or local discharge standards.“。
  Delete the second paragraph.
  8、 Change Article 10 to Article 11, with the phrase ”may no longer be reviewed“ changed to ”no further review“。
  9、 Change Article 11 to Article 12, and modify the ”pollutant items“ in the first paragraph to ”main pollutant items“。 The remaining provisions shall be modified accordingly.
  If there is a change in the name, legal representative or other matters of the drainage household, the drainage household shall apply for the change to the urban drainage authority within 30 days from the date of the change. ”
  10、 Change Article 13 to Article 14 and read: “Drainage households shall not engage in any of the following activities that endanger the safety of urban drainage facilities:”
  (1) Discharge and dumping of highly toxic, flammable, explosive, corrosive waste liquids and residues into urban drainage facilities;
  (2) Discharge of harmful gases and cooking fumes into urban drainage facilities;
  (3) Blocking urban drainage facilities or discharging or dumping garbage, debris, construction mud, grease, sludge and other easily clogged substances into urban drainage facilities;
  (4) Unauthorized dismantling, movement, drilling, and access to urban drainage facilities;
  (5) Unauthorized pressurization and discharge of sewage into urban drainage facilities;
  (6) Other activities that endanger the safety of urban drainage and sewage treatment facilities. “
  11、 Change Article 14 to Article 15, Article 30 to Article 31, and modify ”stop“ to ”pause“。
  12、 Article 16 shall be changed to Article 17, and it shall be revised as follows: ”Key drainage households shall establish a record management system, which shall record the operation and maintenance of sewage pretreatment facilities, internal drainage pipelines, connecting pipes with municipal pipelines, special testing wells, the reasons for abnormalities, and the measures taken, etc. The record retention period shall not be less than 5 years.“。
  ”Encourage drainage households to promote the digitization of traditional carrier archives. Electronic archives have the same effectiveness as traditional carrier archives.“
  13、 Article 17 and Article 18 shall be changed to Article 18, and revised to read: ”The urban drainage competent department shall, in combination with the classification of drainage households, carry out supervision and inspection of the discharge of sewage by drainage households through the“ double random, one public ”method. When implementing supervision and inspection, it has the right to take the following measures:“
  (1) Enter the site for inspection and monitoring;
  (2) Require the supervised and inspected drainage households to present their drainage permits;
  (3) Review and copy relevant documents and materials;
  (4) Require the units and individuals under supervision and inspection to provide explanations on relevant issues;
  (5) Take measures in accordance with the law to prohibit drainage households from discharging sewage into urban drainage facilities, and correct behaviors that violate relevant laws, regulations, and the provisions of these Measures.
  The units and individuals subject to supervision and inspection shall cooperate and shall not obstruct or obstruct the supervision and inspection activities conducted in accordance with the law.
  The urban drainage authority can organize or entrust technical service units such as drainage monitoring institutions to provide technical services for the supervision and inspection of drainage permits through government procurement of services and other means. The commissioned drainage monitoring institution with metrological certification qualifications shall monitor the water quality and quantity of sewage discharged by drainage households, and establish drainage monitoring archives
  14、 Add one article as Article 20: ”The urban drainage authority shall record the basic information and drainage permit content of drainage households in the urban drainage information system. Information related to drainage permit content, administrative penalties, and bad credit records of drainage households shall be publicly disclosed to the public in accordance with the law.“。
  ”The urban drainage supervisory department may, based on the credit status of the drainage households, take measures to incentivize and punish dishonesty in accordance with the law. “
  15、 Change Article 28 to Article 29, and change ”30000 yuan“ to ”10000 yuan“。
  16、 Add one article as Article 33: ”If a key drainage household fails to establish an archive management system in accordance with the provisions of these Measures, or if the archive record retention period is less than 5 years, the urban drainage competent department shall order correction and may impose a fine of no more than 30000 yuan.“。 ”
  17、 Article 33 shall be changed to Article 35, and the format of the drainage permit shall be formulated by the housing and urban-rural development competent department of the State Council, and shall be organized and printed by the housing and urban-rural development competent department of the provincial and autonomous region people's government, as well as the urban drainage competent department of the municipality directly under the central government. Encourage urban drainage authorities to implement electronic permits, which have the same legal effect as paper permits.
  “The application form for drainage permit and the written commitment letter of drainage households shall be formulated by the competent department of housing and urban-rural development of the State Council in a recommended format, which the competent department of urban drainage can refer to for formulation.”
  In addition, corresponding adjustments will be made to the numbering of relevant articles.
  This decision shall come into effect on February 1, 2023. The Management Measures for the License of Urban Sewage Discharge into Drainage Networks shall be revised and reissued in accordance with this decision.
